LPU’s Professors have shined in IIA election 2023-25

LPU’s Architecture,HOD Prof. Ar. Nagendra Narayan elected as Chairman of The Indian Institute of Architects ,Kapurthala-Hoshiarpur Sub- CentreNational body of Architects in the country-The Indian Institute of Architects (IIA) has elected Prof. Ar. Nagendra Narayan as Chairman of IIA Kapurthala-Hoshiarpur Sub- Centre of IIA Punjab Chapter. Architect Prof Narayan is presently the Head of Department, Architecture of Lovely School of Architecture and Design (LSAD), and Founder Principal Architect of CARD-ADAPT India.

The Indian Institute of Architects’ election was held under the supervision three observers, were appointed by the IIA Mumbai Headquarters.Now, the newly elected office bearers and Executive Committee of the IIA Kapurthala-Hoshiarpur Sub- Centre comprises of Chairman, Prof. Ar. Nagendra Narayan; Vice Chairman, Prof. Ar. Raghu Raman; Hon. Treasurer, Ar Aasna Arora; Jt.Hon Secretary, Ar Bhupinder singh; and, Executive Members are Ar. Trilok Kubde , Ar. Maninderjit Singh ,Ar.Jaswinder Singh Parmar ,Ar. Gaurav Jot Singh and Ar. Rituparna while two Co-opted members are Ar.Ishita Garg and Ar. Radhika Gopinath were also elected. IIA Kapurthala-Hoshiarpur Sub- Centre ,Executive Committee will also include,many special invitee members and conveners of different committees.. The newly elected members took oath in the Ist GBM (General Body Meeting) of Sub-centre held at head office of the Sub-Centre.In this IIA elections, LSAD professors have outshined others as Prof Ar Nagendra Narayan has been elected as the Chairman; Prof LSAD & Co-Founder Idearch Architects, Ar Tara Singla is elected as Jt.Secretary of Jalandhar centre; and, Prof Ar Vishal Sood, Professor, Architecture ,LSAD, is elected as Executive Member of IIA Amritsar Centre.Prof Dr. Ar..Atul Singla ,the Chief Architect of Lovely Professional University, Dean of Lovely School of Architecture and Design (LSAD), and Founder Principal Architect of IDEARCH Architects, Jalandhar. with faculty members of LPU and fellow architects congratulated Chairman Prof. Ar Nagendra Narayan and his newly elected executive committee members, and expressed hope that this election will be instrumental for the education and profession of architecture to achieve the new heights of development.

With the objective to promote aesthetic, scientific, and practical efficiency of the profession, both in practice and in education, IIA organization plays a major role in promoting the profession of Architecture.The organization is also actively associated with the International Union of Architects (UIA), Commonwealth Association of Architects (CAA), and South Asian Association for Regional Co-operation of Architects (SAARCH) for industry development and practice.

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