Haryana Police issues guidelines to curb noise pollution

ON DIRECTIONS of the Punjab and Haryana High Court, Haryana Police on Tuesday issued guidelines to curb noise pollution by restricting the use of loudspeakers or public address systems. “The court, under a recent ruling, had prohibited the use of loudspeakers by any person including religious bodies without prior permission from the authorities. All commissioners of police and district superintendents of police had been directed to ensure strict compliance of the court directives to bring the noise level under prescribed limit,” a state police spokesperson said.

“As per the court directives, loudspeaker or public address systems shall not be used between 10 pm and 6 am except between 10 pm to 12 am during any cultural or religious festive occasion of a limited duration not exceeding 15 days in all during a calendar year. Loudspeakers installed in public places cannot have sound level more than 10 dB (A) above ambient noise level at the periphery of a public place and 5 dB (A) above ambient noise level at the periphery of a private place,” the spokesperson added.Further directions have also been issued to all senior police officers to “ensure that no horn shall be blown in silence zone or between 10 pm to 6 am in residential areas except during public emergency”.

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